Georg Fischer (+GF+) - PE-HD
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Кінець труби
Категорія матеріалу Пластик / Пластмаса
RXNR 30-5-S
Найменування Georg Fischer (+GF+) - PE-HD
Виробник Georg Fischer AG
DN 75
Кінець труби Гострий кінець
Назва матеріалу Поліетилен
Колір (зовнішній) Чорний
Сфери застосування Цивільна інженерія, Haustechnik, Промисловість, Дренаж
ID (мм) 69
Да (мм) 75
Товщина стінки (мм) 3

About Georg Fischer

Georg Fischer is focused on the three core businesses GF Piping Systems, GF Automotive and GF Machining Solutions. The industrial company, founded in 1802 and headquartered in Switzerland, has 14,000 employees worldwide and is represented by around 130 companies in 30 countries. GF Piping Systems is a leading supplier of plastic and metal piping systems with a global market presence. The portfolio includes innovative connection technologies, fittings, valves, sensors and pipes for a wide variety of applications in the treatment and distribution of water and chemicals as well as for the safe transport of liquids and gases in the industrial sector.

The pipe system: drainage pipes, PE-HD tempered according to DIN 19535 and DIN 19537


- Color: Black

- d40 to d160 series S 12.5, SDR 26 PN4

- d200 to d315 series S 16, SDR 33 PN3,2

- Delivery length 5 m, smooth-ended

Source: Georg Fischer (+GF+)

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Зовнішні з'єднання труб
Промислові з'єднання труб
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