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Кінець труби
Категорія матеріалу Пластик / Пластмаса
RXNR 56-1-S
Найменування Rehau - AWADUKT HPP SN16
Виробник REHAU AG + Co
DN 160
Кінець труби Гострий кінець
Назва матеріалу RAU-PP 2300
Колір (зовнішній) Жовтий, Помаранчевий
Сфери застосування Цивільна інженерія
ID (мм) 145
Да (мм) 160
Товщина стінки (мм) 7.3

The high-load sewer pipe system AWADUKT HPP can be used in mixed and separate sewer systems and is ideal for waste water and rainwater as well as wastewater containing oil and petrol. In addition to our classic orange-colored sewage pipe, AWADUKT HPP blue offers you the option of transporting rainwater impervious to foreign water. With AWADUKT HPP OIL PROTECT you can safely channel waste water containing oil and petrol from A to B. Thanks to the massive wall thickness and the use of filler-free polypropylene, an ideal balance between high rigidity and impact strength can be achieved. This enables a high load capacity and robustness on the construction site, even at low temperatures down to -20 ° C. In addition, a time-consuming and costly floor replacement is avoided, as AWADUKT HPP also allows laying with coarse-grained embedding material.

In order to avoid confusion, these are marked with black click rings. Thanks to the massive wall thickness and the use of filler-free polypropylene, an ideal balance between high rigidity and impact strength can be achieved. This enables a high load capacity and robustness on the construction site, even at low temperatures down to -20 ° C. In addition, a time-consuming and costly floor replacement is avoided, as AWADUKT HPP also allows laying with coarse-grained embedding material.

Source: Rehau

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