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Crassus надає цю трубопровідну систему виключно з інформаційних причин у контексті Лексикону труб.

Кінець труби
Категорія матеріалу Пластик / Пластмаса
RXNR 57-1-S
Найменування Rehau - AWADUKT HPP SN16 BLUE
Виробник REHAU AG + Co
DN 160
Кінець труби Гострий кінець
Назва матеріалу RAU-PP 2300
Колір (зовнішній) Синій
Сфери застосування Дренаж, Цивільна інженерія
ID (мм) 154
Да (мм) 160
Товщина стінки (мм) 7.3

Pipe material

The AWADUKT pipes, fittings and sealing rings are characterized by their very good resistance to many chemicals that occur in wastewater. This chemical resistance is given at pH values ​​between 1 (acidic) and 13 (basic). In order to divert industrial wastewater, the chemical resistance must be checked regardless of the pH value. Detailed information on this - especially with regard to the concentration and temperature of the different chemicals - is defined in various supplementary sheets to the relevant DIN standards.

Rubber sealing rings

The types of rubber used have good chemical resistance, but components of esters, ketones and aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons in waste water can have a strong swelling effect, which can damage the connection. AWADUKT HPP SN16 and AWADUKT PP SN10 are delivered with EPDM seals as standard, alternatively AWADUKT HPP SN16 and AWDUKT PP SN10 pipes can be delivered with oil, grease and petrol-resistant NBR seals. AWADUKT PP SN4 pipes are usually supplied with SBR sealing rings.

Source: Rehau

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