Karl Schöngen - Concept-HL jacking pipe MV PP-HM for wastewater
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Crassus proporciona este sistema de tuberías estrictamente por razones informativas dentro del contexto del Léxico de Tuberías.

Extremo del tubo
Categoría de material Plástico
RXNR 69-1-S
Designación Karl Schöngen - Concept-HL jacking pipe MV PP-HM for wastewater
Fabricante Karl Schöngen KG
DN 110
Extremo del tubo Extremo puntiagudo
Nombre del material PP-HM
Color (exterior) Verde
Aplicaciones Ingeniería civil, Drenaje
ID (mm) 97.6
DE (mm) 110
Espesor de pared (mm) 6.2

Sewage pipe made of filler-free polypropylene with a higher modulus of elasticity (PP-HM). Design MV with smooth inside and outside, integrated into the pipe wall, push-in socket connection with 2 firmly fixed sealing rings. Tube color: green (easy to inspect). With DIBt approval Z-42.1-349, material according to DIN EN 1852-1, proof of system tightness at higher internal pressure according to DIN EN 1277, therefore suitable for drinking water protection zones II and III. The pipes are high-pressure flush-proof, corrosion-resistant against municipal wastewater pH 2 to pH 12 and meet the requirements of DIN EN 476.


- high impact strength

- High profitability

- great rigidity and surface hardness

- Absorption of extremely high axial pre-pressing forces

- environmentally friendly, recyclable

- Resistant to municipal sewage

- The production of special lengths and special dimensions is possible

Source: Karl Schöngen KG

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