Beku - BQ pipe systems PP-R
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Extremo del tubo
Categoría de material Plástico
RXNR 93-5-S
Designación Beku - BQ pipe systems PP-R
Fabricante BQ-Rohrsysteme GmbH
DN 110
Extremo del tubo Extremo puntiagudo
Nombre del material Polipropileno
Color (exterior) Verde
Aplicaciones Haustechnik, Drenaje
ID (mm) 103.2
DE (mm) 110
Espesor de pared (mm) 3.4

BQ pipe systems

Welcome. Located in the heart of Germany, the Beku Group under which umbrella BQ-Rohrsysteme is producing PP pipe systems, have been in the plastics industry for over 30 years. Originally founded as a family business by Heinz Vössing, the companies have always focused on delivering superior products at a high value.

All our facilities are located in the heart of Germany, where we keep upgrading and expanding our production capabilities. We have built our business on long term customer relationships and are proud of those strong alliances. Since its founding in 2011, BQ and its sister companies have been growing at a consistent rate.

We continue to expand our existing product line of PP-R and PP-RCT offerings and are now introducing our new sanitary pipe system. Today BQ and its sister companies are led by the founder's son, Markus Vössing, who continues the original philosophy of delivering outstanding value to our customers. Our focus at BQ-Rohrsysteme will always be to provide exceptional Made-in-Germany products at a competitive price.

Source: (2017)

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