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Crassus proporciona este sistema de tuberías estrictamente por razones informativas dentro del contexto del Léxico de Tuberías.

Extremo del tubo
Categoría de material Plástico
RXNR 60-1-S
Designación Rehau - AWADUKT PVC SN8
Fabricante REHAU AG + Co
DN 110
Extremo del tubo Extremo puntiagudo
Nombre del material RAU-PVC 1100
Color (exterior) Naranja
Aplicaciones Ingeniería civil, Haustechnik
ID (mm) 103
DE (mm) 110
Espesor de pared (mm) 3.2

AWADUKT PVC SN8 combines high ring rigidity with the flexibility required for a modern sewer pipe system. The high level of economic efficiency that is also provided make it the ideal solution for all applications in the high-load sewer pipe sector. AWADUKT PVC SN8 is a modern high-load sewer pipe system made from the proven material PVC-U. The pipe has a homogeneous, full-walled structure in accordance with DIN EN 1401.


- Max. Waste water temperatures: Continuous exposure 60 ° C (DN 110-200) and 40 ° C (DN 250-500), short-term: 60 ° C

- Maximum flow speed up to 8 m / s

- slope range 3 to 80 ‰

- Embedding material according to DIN EN 1610

- Cover heights 0.5 - 8 m

- Use under traffic loads up to SLW 60 (static calculation required)

- Massive full wall structure

- Tested and approved according to DIN EN 1401

Possible uses

- Heavy-duty sewer pipe system for the highest demands

- Can be used under heavy traffic (SLW 60)

- For waste and rainwater sewers

- For road construction, airfield construction and railroad construction

Flexible material

The clear disadvantage of rigid materials compared to flexible materials is that they attract loads and, if overloaded, react with immediate cracks / ruptures or with displacements of the socket connection. The flexible system, on the other hand, can deform in a controlled manner. The pipe system thus evades the loads that occur and transfers the pressure to the bedding material.

High system rigidity

The high ring stiffness (≥ SN8) applies to all AWADUKT PVC high-load sewer pipe systems, i.e. both pipes and fittings. AWADUKT PVC molded parts according to DIN EN 1401 can be used, which due to their geometry also achieve a ring stiffness of ≥SN8 according to DIN EN ISO 9969.

Separation system

AWADUKT PVC SN8 is available in the colors azure blue and red brown. The color azure blue, which symbolizes rainwater, is predestined for use as a rainwater channel. The different colors reliably prevent incorrect connections.

Connection option to other sewage systems:

Crassus hose adapters (CDC, CTC, CSC), Crassus repair sleeves, Crassus combination adapters (from DN110 - DN160), Crassus adapter couplings, Crassus rubber adapters (from DN110 - DN160) and much more.

Pipe repair:

Crassus Pipe Doctor and Crassus Pipe Plaster

Source: Rehau, Crassus

Conectores internos
Conectores externos
Conectores industriales
Conectores especiales

Importante : Los términos y nombres de marca utilizados en el Léxico de Tuberías Crassus están sujetos a protección de marca, comercial o de patente de las respectivas empresas. Todas las ilustraciones están sujetas a las leyes de derechos de autor y son propiedad de Crassus GmbH & Co. KG. Las imágenes pueden diferir de la original.