Alphacan Omniplast - Primus HL SN12 (Rainwater)
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Crassus proporciona este sistema de tuberías estrictamente por razones informativas dentro del contexto del Léxico de Tuberías.

Extremo del tubo
Categoría de material Plástico
RXNR 26-1-S
Designación Alphacan Omniplast - Primus HL SN12 (Rainwater)
Fabricante Omniplast Deutschland GmbH
DN 110
Extremo del tubo Extremo puntiagudo
Nombre del material Hart-PVC (PVC-U)
Color (exterior) Azul
Aplicaciones Ingeniería civil, Drenaje, Haustechnik
ID (mm) 103
DE (mm) 110

The philosophy of Alphacan Omniplast is to manufacture ready-to-install pipe systems that are smooth inside and out, which can be easily and easily assembled, filled and compacted into a pipeline. Thanks to its high ring stiffness (≥ 12 kN / m²) and longitudinal stiffness and the molded socket, the Primus HL SN 12 pipe system offers extraordinary stability and security with very good assembly capability and simple installation properties. Due to the clear color separation, sewage pipes in clay-brown and rainwater pipes in blue, it is easy to distinguish between sewage and rainwater even after decades of inspection.

PRIMUS HL SN 12 is the full wall high load sewer pipe system according to the standard of the oldest plastic pipe producer in Germany. Due to the complete fulfillment of all requirements of DIN EN 1401-1, Primus HL SN 12 has unlimited building authority approval. As a technically mature standard material in civil engineering, PVC-U has an extraordinarily high chemical resistance and is not attacked by any of the substances that may occur in wastewater.

The material:

Through the consistent use of the highest quality PVC new material and the production-technical know-how of the oldest plastic pipe producer in Germany, the ring stiffness of ≥ 12 kN / m² according to ISO 9969 for all components of the solid wall sewer pipe system Primus HL SN 12 was achieved through an independent technical solution. The material parameters were decidedly improved, but the required amount of material was not increased. Compared to a standard PVC material, for example, the E-module of the Primus HL SN 12 has been increased from around 3000 N / mm² to well over 4000 N / mm²! This significant material improvement in connection with the low creep factor also achieved the corresponding long-term ring stiffness according to DIN 16961. Should any repair work arise, you can fall back on the inexpensive and flexible Crassus range, which is known for its interior and exterior solutions.

Chemical resistance:

As a technically mature standard material in civil engineering, PVC-U has an extraordinarily high chemical resistance and is not attacked by any of the substances that may occur in wastewater. Any biogenic sulfuric acid, mineral oils, fats and fuels that may develop, but also other chemicals such as acids or alkalis, do not damage PVC-U, unlike other known pipe materials.

Connection option to other sewage systems:

Crassus hose adapters, Crassus combi adapters, Crassus adapter couplings, Crassus rubber adapters as well as bends, branches, Crassus end caps and much more.

Pipe repair:

Crassus Pipe Doctor and Crassus Pipe Plaster

Source: Omniplast, Crassus

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